Friday, February 28, 2020

SWOT analysis of Apple Computers, Inc Research Paper

SWOT analysis of Apple Computers, Inc - Research Paper Example Apple Computers Inc is a Cupertino, California based company which has brought about a whole change in the history of computers. It has history relating to the 1970s as it came into being in the 1976. It has brought major changes in the design of the computers and since then made their way to success. The company made some major changes in the field of computers by introducing Macintosh (Williams, 2007). Till now it has developed some major features in the field of computers and these features are supposedly taken as granted by the consumers. Graphical User Interface is one important feature in the computers designed by Apple Computers Inc. The company has even saw downfalls in the 90s when it did not license it technology and the shares of the company fell to as low as 2%. However after a certain period of time Apple Computers Inc has began to rise and has made several products so as to bring a revolution in the computer world. This essay would further present a SWOT analysis of the multinational and would figure out possible recommendations for my own company to play a larger role in the field of computers today (Scott, 2008). -The wide variety of products designed by Apple has given them greater market variety over other competitors. It has not only entered the arena of computers but also of digital music and a music player known as Ipod designed by them has increased their profits by a greater share (Levy, 2006). And as they have developed a likeness for their brand their Macintosh computers are also sold excessively throughout the world. The variety of notebooks is also a plus feature for Apple inc as because of brand likeness the notebooks are also sold excessively throughout. The variety of Apple in terms of products gives them a particular edge of strength over other competitors (Williams, 2007). -Brand Loyalty to the brand has also increased as they have entered a set of new features in this world. Many of the customers trust the product designed by the brand and this boosts the increase in the sales of the brand. Brand Loyalty helps Apple to not only recruit the customers but also make them come back in future for products. These customers are then offered new products and this boosts the overall cycle of sales (Williams, 2007). -The state of art products designed by Apple Inc even attracts new customers towards its brand. The art of having stylish designs makes Apple have an edge over other competitors. The design qualities can also be counted in the strengths of the organization as most of the products launched by Apple are stylish. The design of the Apple products helps it to attract more customers towards the brand (Apple Computer Corporation) -Apple Inc has successfully invested in research and development schemes which enter the local market and find out what exactly the people are in need of. This helps them to develop a product which is the need of the market. The demand of the people is strictly met by the organization of Apple when launching new products. This can be counted as a major strength too as research and development department play important role in improving the image of a certain company. It helps them to develop a product of such sort that it is liked by everyone (Apple Computer Corporation). -The marketing scheme of Apple is widely applauded as it is

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Relection paper on case hospital strategy for survival Research

Relection on case hospital strategy for survival - Research Paper Example Public hospitals were faced with a serious shortage of funds to support their operations. Most of them ended up shutting down permanently, while other merged with various institutions in order to stay afloat (Scott 3). It is interesting to note that despite the fact that O’Brien was backed up by City officials, they still required him to prove the economic viability of the Cambridge Hospital. Being a director of a public health institution, the challenges were endless. Private hospitals were not making the situation easier as they sought to conquer the territories that were previously held by public hospitals (Scott 6). The journey of keeping the hospital afloat has been far from easy. The management has tried severally but the challenges have been persistent. Despite the financial challenges, the City Council of Cambridge has been seen to interfere with the smooth operations of the hospital. The scrutiny on the hospital’s budget by the city council was somewhat obsessive (Scott 15). It would have been easy for any CEO of a public hospital to give up and walk away when faced with such challenges such as lack of support from the city government and patients. The hospital should be lauded for its endless efforts such as strong campaigns to attract and retain customers. The innovative programs also contributed to the success of the hospital. Just as the CEO reflected, having observed the course of the hospital’s progress, there are many issues of optimism and concern (Scott 20). One such issue of concern is the nature of health care over the years and the relationship with the city council. This case should be an eye opener to all public institutions that are being faced with challenges of surviving. The only question I have is why there have to be so many challenges to the process of reviving a